My Sweet Boys
May Aunt Karen sent Jace this way cute blanket, and outfit! I love love it! Thanks Karen! We can't wait to make it over to your guy's way sometime soon! : )
How can you not love this cute little face! He's such a great big brother. This was him today when Jace and I went in to get him from after his nap. I asked him if he wanted to get out, and he kept saying no, then he saying Jace and pointing as his pillow. After I figured out what he wanted I just laughed. He's so funny, and so darn cute! He wanted his little brother to hang out with him in his crib for a little while!
Happy Birthday Aunt Tay : )....
I love these next three series of pictures! Jess grabbed Conner and attempted to throw him down the slip n slide on the side of the slide. Conner wasn't to sure about it, but he didn't slide very well either. Poor little guy always getting picked on by his dad!
Waiting for his ball!
Yes, it only took him like 5 seconds to get almost all the way to the pins! Little stinker.
I was so embarrassed!
The Thursday before we went to Moses Lake for Tay's birthday the boys and I went over to go swimming with my mom and sisters! I hadn't taken Conner yet this summer, so I was excited to see how he would do! He did great! He loves the water, so it's kind of scary! He would just take off down the slides and some of them were in the deeper end. He wouldn't even wait until there was someone to catch him, so there were plenty of near drowning experiences! I am so sold now on putting him in swimming lessons next year! It makes me way to nervous to not have him learn asap how to swim since he seriously has no fear!
Jace's Room
1 Month Already....
Finally I Did It....
Crazy Hair...
Happy 4th
Here he's giving me the stink eye! Conner always would give us funny looks when he was a baby, so it's so funny to see Jace throw some out every once in awhile.
I love how peaceful a sleeping baby looks.
This was one of our attempts at getting a picture!
I guess this was Jess and I's attempt at getting a picture together!
Here we are at the fireworks. This was our first 4th in the Tri-Cities, so we weren't sure how the fireworks were. They ended up not being to bad! They started about 10 oclock, so the little kiddos were so tired. It was way past their bed time, and believe me it made for a very unbehaved, tired Conner the next day! : ) It was lots of fun though. We parked the truck in like the perfect spot, because we were far enough away that they weren't too loud for the kids but we could still see them really good! We all just sat on top of the tool box in the back of the truck, and enjoyed the show! : ) The picture above is Jess and Ryan getting settled with Conner and Ashlynn.
Here's Amanda and I. It was hard to take a super good pic because it was kind of windy, and poor Amanda kept getting my hair in her face. Us mom's don't really get pictures of us often because we're normally the ones taking them, so atleast we tried.
We were just waiting for the fireworks to start. I love Ash in this picture! She's so cute!
Conner was so tired! He made it through the whole thing though, but as soon as we started the drive home he was out! Jace just enjoyed the show from inside the truck with Ryder. This is what he looked like the entire time. He's so stinkin cute! : )