
The Amazing Box

These pictures are from awhile ago. Since Conner has started to realize and learn a ton of new things, he has gotten really whinny! It's like he thinks that if he whines he gets what he wants, but he really doesn't! I let him whine and whine forever just so that he doesn't learn that that is how you get things. I think that his teething has something to do with it, but it just drives me crazy all day! Well one day I just didn't know what to do with him, so I spotted this box, and for some reason I decided to put him in it! Well it worked, thank goodness! For some reason he was totally amazed with this new toy, I guess you could call it a toy to him! Of course his interest only lasted about 10 minutes with it, but atleast he wasn't doing his little whiney noise, right?! He's so stinkin cute though no matter how demanding he gets! : )

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