
Conner's Christmas Tree

We did Conner's room in a Cowboy theme, so why not do a Cowboy themed Christmas tree. We Ryan and I were little my Dad would take us to cut down a little Christmas tree to put in our rooms. I loved having a lite up Christmas tree in my room when I was going to bed, so I thought that we would start this tradition with our kids. I just got Conner a fake tree, though. It's nice to not have pine needles all over the floor. It was pretty fun, and Conner loves it.

My mom got this saddle ornament for his tree.

Jess brought this old rope home one day to put around Conner's tree. I love it. I was trying to think about what to do for a garland, and this turned out perfect.

I decided to show some more pictures of Conner's room, so here's some fun pictures that are above his crib. I'm still planning on make some bedding for him so for right now it's still sports bedding.

When we wre waiting for our house to get done, I made this garland for his room. I really liked how it turned out. I just cut the letters out of cardboard, and tied cut up cowboy fabric strips. It was super easy, and I loved the finished product.

Of course what's a cowboy room with out John Wayne, right?!

Here's the finished look with is cow hide rug and all. Thanks Grandma for Rodney the Reindeer!


Amanda said...

seriously kellie, you need to go into business decorating! It's so cute!

Annalee Taylor said...

Oh my word, I love it!! I might have to copy you on this one! Nice work!