I've Been Tagged
1. I kind of have this little OCD problem. For some odd reason ever since I was in grade school I have had some problems with certain things. To start I will admit that I don't like to eat off of paper plates, or use paper cups. I'm not sure why, but sometimes it just grosses me out so much that I lose my appetite. When I reach into the cupboard for a cup to get a drink I always have to grab a clear glass. It freaks me out if I can't see what I'm drinking. I also can't eat bread that has been in the freezer, and I can't eat anything that is even close to it's sell by date that's on the package. I know I know weird huh!
2. I'm not a negative person, but I find myself always taking situations and thinking about the worst possible scenerio. Like at night sometimes when I'm going to bed I'll start to think about what I would do if someone broke into our house. I will start to make an escape plan in my head of how I could get Conner from his room the quickest and get out of the house. I'll find myself doing the same thing when I'm driving down the road. I'll think about what if we were to get into an accident, and some how end up in a lake or river, how would I get Conner and I out of the car? I just look at it as being really really prepared for anything, right?! : )
3. I am in love with quilting. I made my first quilt for Conner when he was born, and I haven't been able to stop. It's such an addiction. Right now I have about seven projects going, and two quilts that are done, but just need to be quilted. I just love going to the fabric store, and looking at all the way fun fabric and thinking about what I could make with them. Let's just say if we don't have a girl this time around I am in huge trouble, because there is such way cute girl fabric out there. Everytime I go to the fabric store I swear I get enough fabric to make a toddler quilt.
4. I love love love shopping! Any chance or reason I get to go shopping I take it! I even just take Conner to the mall to play or walk around so that we're even just in the atmosphere of shopping. I defiently took after my Mother. The two of use together could easily just shop forever. Of course Conner kind of slows me down now, but he's still a trooper. I love Christmas time so so so much, and I can't figure out if I love it because I just love the season, or if it's because it's an excuse to shop. I'm sure it's both. : )
5. I absolutely love being a Mom! I wouldn't give it up for anything in the world. There's just something about getting to experience life through someone that is so small, and watching them grow. Conner is so much fun, and I am so thankful that I am able to be with him all day everyday. It would be so hard to have to go to work, and miss out on all the little funny things that he surprises us with everyday. It's so cool to watch how fast they learn things, and to see their little personalities start to come out. I am super excited for this next baby, and I can't wait until this little one lets me start all over again with the whole little baby stage. The little baby stage goes by so fast, and after April had Weston last Wednesday I really realized that Conner is becoming such a toddler. I can't believe that he's going to be one next week! : )
So there you have it, 5 things about myself. Thanks Annalee for tagging me. I couldn't remember the last time I thought about something about myself. I catch myself just thinking about what Conner's going to have for breakfast, or what we're going to do today, or how I'm going to get through the day not being sick. It's always nice to be able to focus on yourself for a bit, right?! : )
Lots of Fun
Conner's Christmas Tree
Jess brought this old rope home one day to put around Conner's tree. I love it. I was trying to think about what to do for a garland, and this turned out perfect.
Of course what's a cowboy room with out John Wayne, right?!
Here's the finished look with is cow hide rug and all. Thanks Grandma for Rodney the Reindeer!
Christmas Decor 2007
Conner and Dad getting in some bottle time before Conner had to hit the hay! : )
Conner even helped put some ornaments on the tree. He's been such a good little guy, too. He hasn't pulled a single thing off of the tree. What a good little guy!
Here's the finished product. It's a little dark, but I will say I love my tree!
Here's one of my favorite ornaments. My mom got this for us last year when we had Conner. She found it at the hospital gift shop, and it just has so much meaning to me, and it brings back lots of fun memories.
Here's our stockings. This was the only place that we could really hang them.
Quality Time With Cousin Emmet
Conner decides that maybe if he gets up and starts to walk off that he'll win.
Emmet decided that he wasn't going to get away with this toy, so he just stood up and followed. Yes, those are my little guys not so little thighs. : )
Happy Thanksgiving! : )
Just like Jess, Conner loves big bites!
I think that Conner ended up getting a stomach ache, poor guy.
What a successful first Thanksgiving.
Some how he got some cookie all the way up by his eye.
By the time that he was done with the whole sugar cookie thing he had eatten about a good 3/4 of it.
Like Father like Son! Sugar cookies are definently the way to his little heart! : )